I understand that coaches out there know what they are doing.
Sometimes, though it is nice to have a little help to make things easier. Running a practice typically involves more than one swimmer, different specialties, different cycles, differentgoals. Using SwiftDuck can make your on deck life much easier.
I of course encourage using the program to help write sets up and plan for the day. I do know that the logging and metrics of the site are not fully up to what some folks will require. But using the program through a mobile device can be a very helpful tool.
This program not only helps you write a practice, but it also makes the adjustments needed in both cycle and goal time for every swimmer, right there on the deck if desired.
You create your workout for your top lane or swimmer. Then, you can easily reference the set and toggle between swimmer of different abilities. As you are viewing the workout, there is an input box that lets you adjust the swimmer baseline, which will then modify sets that need modifying, and update swimmer goal paces.
Example, if you have lane 1 doing 300’s on 4:00 trying to maintain 3:40, you could easily see that lane 5 should be on 4:25 holding 4:05. Or, you could find out that lane 5 could do 250’s on 3:50 with a goal of 3:32, and they can finish at the same time as your top lane. Sure, you could figure that out if you wanted with some math, but why not let the program do it for you. Odds are you have a phone with you or an Ipad. You do need to have access to the internet, it does not yet work offline, but it is a time saver indeed.
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